Lagos Jobs Careers Top Job Interview Tips

Top Job Interview Tips

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Top Job Interview Tips that Will Land You Your Next Job

Here we shall be discussing top job interview tips. Ever wondered why people attend a lot of interviews and don’t get called back? The experience can be very exhausting and depressing. But what if you know exactly what employers are looking for? It will help you to prepare well and eventually become successful. Below are top job interview tips.

Interview Tips and Questions

1. Where do you spot your self in 5 years time?

An interviewer might be inspired when you have taken into consideration your short-time period and long-time period goals. Talk approximately the type of job you would finally love to do and the numerous steps you’ll take to get there. Show that you have the ambition and zeal to make the maximum use of each opportunity given. The interview needs to know that you take your job very serious and handles professionally. Avoid telling the interviewer which you need their process.

2. What are your strengths/weaknesses?

This is often perceived as an intimidating question, even by applicants with lots of experience. The perfect way to answer this question is to avoid bragging about your strengths but making them known and also avoid putting your weaknesses in a terribly negative light.

Strengths – According to the job roles or task, choose about three traits that will help you to perform efficiently on the job.

Weaknesses – You should not put your self in a negative light. Simply talk about a perceived weakness that you are already working on.

3. Why do you want this job?

To answer this question correctly, you need to show the interviewer that you have given the particular position some thoughts. This is the chance to talk about the strategies or how you intend to function effectively on the position.

4. Why should I hire you?

When answering this question, concentrate on your strengths. Smartly outline the skill set you are bringing to the table, along with your job experience and professional attitude towards work.

5. What are your salary expectations?

Allow the interviewer to be the first to ask this question. Throw it back opened to the interview by telling them you would like to work with their budget. However, if the salary offer is far below your expectation, you can negotiate it higher.

Virtual Interview Tips

Still on top job interview tips, below are key tips to help you prepare for a virtual interview.

1. Prepare in advance 

Do a thorough research on the employer ahead of time. Know everything you can about them. Visit their website to learn more about them. Go to Google and search for information or people’s encounter with them. i think every country has a popular online forum where all matters are being shared such as

2. Show up on time 

one easy way to start things off on the right path is to show up on time. If it were to be a physical meeting, you would be targeting to show up at least 15 minutes earlier. But since this is virtual, simply join online on time. If you are not very familiar with the particular streaming app, you might have to have tested it before the interview time.

3. Think about your background

Background of your video is very important. Take a position in a clean and quiet area of your living space. A plain colour  wall as background is usually preferable. If you have housemates, do ensure to inform them of your interview and ask them to keep quiet during your interview call.

4. Dress appropriately

Ensure your dress is appropriate. At least, maintain a polished and professional look at the top. This will help to make a good impression of you.

5. Maintain “eye contact” with the camera

If it were to be a physical interview, it is advisable yo maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Well…same thing applies in virtual interview. Avoid looking at your phone screen distractedly and focus on the camera. It will give off the same vibe as maintaining eye contact. Eye contact helps to foster a genuine connection and attentiveness which is good.

Zoom Interview Tips

Zoom is an online streaming platform; although seems to be the most popular of them all. The zoom app is easy to navigate. But as part of your preparation for your job interview, download the zoom app and try setting up a meeting on it before the interview day. Google to know about it functionalities and become very acquainted with the app ahead of your interview. Do not forget to follow all the top virtual interview tips

Interview Tips for Students

Below are top job interview tips for students.

1. Prepare a list containing your top qualities

Prepare a list containing your top 5 qualities, skills and area of experiences that would better equip you to excel on the position. be ready to sell yourself to your employer by describing previous experiences in a volunteer jobs, roles or academic projects and how you scaled through successfully.

2. Turn Your Phone on Silent

Your phone has to be turned off, on airplane mode or on silent. Your interview time should be strictly spent for the interview without a divided attention. if your phone keep beeping during the interview, it could be very distracting and speak very poor of you. Simply turn the phone off.

Top Job Interview Tips

3. Go alone

Avoid going with friends or family members. If someone gave you a ride, let them wait in the car till after you are done. going with your friends or family will give an impression of a less confident person or a dependent person. every employer want to have a dependable or independent confident staff.

Ensure to pick tips from the earlier discussed ones.

How to Pass a Job Interview

Read and study all the Top job interview tips in this article. At the end of every interview, send a thank you note to the interviewer. This means that you would have gotten their contact during before, during or after the interview. Do not say much. Simply thank them for the interest and time. About a week time, you can follow up with a call to know your status if they haven’t gotten back to you. If they ask you to check back on a specific time, then do so.

Hope you enjoyed the article? now that you have all the top interview tips at your disposal, always refer to this article whenever you have a job interview. Kindly also share the article link on your favourite social media platform or with friends and family to help them prepare for interviews. Also check out the article on advantages of a great CV.

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